
Competition News

PWC: Meteo and Infos Sunday

Martin Scheel 5. May 2024 PWC Grindelwald-Interlaken 2024
We go to the Amisbüel Take Off.
Busses leave 9:05, 2 x 9:35, 1 x 10:05 from INTERLAKEN WEST, Bahnhof

Briefing 10:45 at Howald-Parking
Take Off around 12:15-14h


On Sunday, the Alpine region will lie on the front of a low pressure zone over north-west Europe in a moderately humid and mild south-westerly current. Tonight, a low pressure system over the Benelux countries brought more humid air to the north-west half of Switzerland in particular. The current rain is evidence of this.
After a brief period of calm, Switzerland will once again be under the influence of a new low pressure system with its centre over Brittany on Sunday evening and humid and unstable stratified air will flow towards us. A cold front crosses Switzerland on Monday.

Light rain until about 9 am
Clearing from 10 am

With the radiation we expect:

2-3/8, base rising to 1800m at 15 pm (theoretically higher, but I don't believe)
Above that 2-6/8 AC to 3200

Very low air pressure (1013).

In the course of the afternoon first isolated developments (some from 1600), in the evening widespread showers and isolated thunderstorms

We can hope for a window of usable conditions from 11am to 3pm - but the wind is strong:

The higher and the further west, the stronger the wind.

Ground: rather weak valley wind system, getting stronger in the afternoon, 10-20 kmh W
1500m 10 kmh W
2000m 20 kmh WSW
2500m 25 kmh SW
3000m 35 kmh SW

Further West it is stronger.
PWC_072 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.34.52.jpg

PWC Grindelwald-Interlaken 2024



PWC_072 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.34.52.jpg PWC_073 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.59.07.jpg PWC_074 c2e_ch_ctrl_DURSUN_R06h_012.png PWC_075 c2e_ch_ctrl_DURSUN_R06h_018.png PWC_076 c2e_ch_ctrl_CLC_015.png PWC_077 c2e_ch_ctrl_CLC_012.png PWC_078 c2e_ch_ctrl_CLC_009.png PWC_079 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 07.02.42.jpg PWC_080 c2e_ch_ctrl_RRRS03h_015.png PWC_081 c2e_ch_ctrl_RRRS03h_012.png PWC_082 c2e_ch_ctrl_RRRS03h_009.png PWC_083 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.36.04.jpg PWC_084 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.36.28.jpg PWC_085 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.36.40.jpg PWC_086 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.37.07.jpg PWC_087 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.37.16.jpg PWC_088 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.37.41.jpg PWC_089 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.37.51.jpg PWC_090 Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-05 um 06.38.34.jpg PWC_091 c2e_ch_ctrl_PSr_012.png PWC_092 VIBN09.png PWC_093 c2e_ch_ctrl_uv10m_012.png PWC_094 c2e_ch_ctrl_uv800m_012.png PWC_095 c2e_ch_ctrl_uv850_012.png PWC_096 c2e_ch_ctrl_uv2000_012.png PWC_097 c2e_ch_ctrl_VMAX10m03h_012.png PWC_102 PWC_101 06727-06734_06.png PWC_103 PWC_100 06727-06734_09.png PWC_104 PWC_099 06727-06734_12.png PWC_105 PWC_098 06727-06734_15.png


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