
General Briefing

Briefing from 2023:

Welcome to Disentis!

- Marc Demont, former President of the local Club, area, landings, and, and, and - and task setting
- Rahel Schreiber (SHV, safety together with:
- Dani Graf (Safety, Social Media and Website)
- Rüdiger Gördes (Take Off Marshall)
- Michaela Fürer (only first days) and Maya Fetz (HQ and Retrieve)
- Renato Ruginelli and Peter Stierli (drivers of our two Buses)
- Karin Koch and the young Isabelle Fetz and Franca Demont (Coffee at Caischavedra)!
- Heinz Blatter and Richi Imstepf (Marquee)
- Thierry Looser (Trackermanager)
- Urs Braun (Tasksetting)

And many assistants without a specific job, but always ready for anything:
Heinz Schlauri, Jarl Braun, Uwe Schneller, Pauli Manetsch, Matthias Koch, Silvan Manetsch, Pelle Stolt, Sepp Müller, Nic and Vica Jacomet, Marlon Etter, Fabienne Schrader

All together more then 30 assistants! Many thanks to all of them!

Jörg Ewald: Jörg makes the scoring for us (remote - but perfect)
Andy Busslinger (photographer, will arrive Thuersday)
Renato Barnetta (Media)


  • Jack&Jones (Davide Licini, T-Shirts, Gifts)
  • Niviuk (Vouchers)
  • Gin Gliders (Prizes)
  • La Sportiva (Prizes)
  • Valser (Bottles)
  • Kaffeepause (Mark Raddatz: good Koffee)
  • Digital Republic (free Sim Cards)
  • SSSD, Giusi Flepp (office)

And the big support of Catrina Resort, Graubünden Sport and the Swiss Hangliding Federation.


Information, Communication

We use a Telegramm Group for all Infos (meteo, timing, task-file and so on). You can register yourself with this link:

Open chat:



Our Website (program) is up to date. These evenings are planned according to the weather:

  • Tuesday: Thai Curry, incl. Salad-buffet and Water on the table (CHF 17 instead of 24, registration on Telegram-Survey) 
  • Wednesday: Spaghettiplausch, incl. Salad-buffet and Water on the table (CHF 17 instead of 24, registration on Telegram-Survey)
  • Thursday: Pilots-Evening (BBQ). Relatives can join us (CHF 33, to be paid at HQ)


Only for Camper-Vans and Minibusses. NO Tents (it is a political issue). Do NOT use the Car-Parc behind the Hotel (some places should be free for Hotel Guests)
15.-/p/night, excl. tourist tax
- Please pay your amount at Catrina Lodge. You will get a receipt, which must be placed under the windscreen.
- only 1 shower (please respect women :-))
- toilets are open during the night
- cleaning once / day (from the Loge)

- HQ: Will be published on Telegram, but we hove only
- all along the cable-car (first login is difficult, you find the information at the cable car station)
- free Sim-Cards from Digital Republic (help for activation)

You can leave your gliders downstairs at HQ

Transport from the campsite:
If necessary, we will organise transport in the morning from the Camping.

Lunch Bags:
Lunch bags are no longer included in the entry fee. 

Sandwiches at Caischavedra:
If you want a sandwich, it's better to order (and pay for) it the day before.

Coffee, tee and croissant at middle station:
Thanks to our sponsor we will have 3 Coffee machines in the middle station for good coffee.  

Coffee and drinks in the marquee:
Thanks to our sponsors we can offer this at CHF 1.00. 
You can consume whatever you want in the tent. But not on the terrace of the restaurant. Thank you!

- Official photographer is Andy Busslinger
- Free download of our photos for privat use, sponsors, newspapers AFTER the comp.



Retrieval with offitial carrier RHB, MGB and Postauto. We will publish a promotional code for the return journey via Telegram on each flying day. 
Important for Swiss pilots with half fare card:
We are aware that tickets are difficult to buy, and even more difficult if you have a Half-Fare Card. However, we urge you to indicate the Half-Fare Card. Anything else would be throwing money away, so we would invoice the amounts after the Swiss Open.

Instructions: Retrieval 



  • Thierry Looser is our tracker manager
  • Please remember your tracker number
  • The trackers will be handed out at the take off
  • Switch on tracker before start (left button, then right button / short operating instructions). At the gate you will be asked, if your tracker is on.
  • most trackers you cannot switch off yourself
  • Tracker return: Normally at HQ.




- Meteo-Briefing ONLY AT TELEGRAM in the morning. Only update at Briefing.
   - User:
   - Key: DO20



Safety phone (forwardet to Dani Graf) +41 77 478 39 02 
Headquarter and Retrieve phone  +41 77 275 18 03

The REGA (Swiss helicopter system) is informed about our competition.

  • Serious accidents:
    Call the REGA
    1414 (Swiss phones) or +41 333 333 333
    112 (this goes to the police, but will be forwarded)
  • Download the REGA-App (Swiss phones only).
    Download for other phone Numbers (
    You can call very easy emergency.
  • "normal" accidents:
    Call the safety number. We will act accordingly (and call the REGA if you are safe).
  • Tree landings and rescue:
    Call us! We have professional tree operators and we will inform the REGA about the incident.


Main radiosystem is PMR

  • Channel 7-38. To enter manually: 446.08125 / 250.3 rt-cdc 
  • Infos to PMR
  • 157 400 (limited to  take-off and landing site, Martin in the air)


Level System, In-App for anonymous level messages.
Individual buttons can be displayed with this link: - Widget id 1, 2 or 3 for the respective level button or also combined, e.g. widget=12 for the buttons level 1 and level 2. In this case, however, the login must be done in a separate widget.

But messages are still possible by all means (radio, phone).

  • Level 1 = good flying, good conditions.
  • Level 2 = at the limit, but still ok.
  • Level 3 = you should stop the task 

You can report back with this App (you don't get a answhere „report back successful“, but you see your report back in the App).

Registration SMS

Once only at registration “para start do” to the CCSS-Number +41 79 381 60 10. You will not get your tracker, no start, without SMS !

  • We assume that everyone starts every day.
  • Report back every day (App or SMS para stop to +41 79 381 60 10) 



  • Marc Demont, Urs Braun and Martin
  • Roger Aeschbacher
  • Task supervisor (checks details). Who could do this?
  • Dedicatet person for feedback (feedback goes to this person, often this person can answer questions): Davide Licini

Who else will join the (Tasksetter) team? 


Provisional task will be published at Telegram at least 20 min prior the briefing. All pilots are encouraged to think critically about the task and give feedback early enough.

Task Stopping

  • Safety-Director Dani Graf, Marc Demont and Martin
  • In addition, an "independent, experienced pilot" is to be elected. Davide Licini?


Rules at Swiss Open Disentis

Airspace - Airspace

Wildlife protection - Wildlife


Flight Area

Landing site

  • Wind conditions:
    Valley wind, normal is 15-30 kmh
    South wind, is ok when weak (convergency)
    Wind from West and North is not normal
  • Cable? No, but powerline
  • Danger: The house at left and right

Landing Trun, Ilanz and other will be explained at task briefing

In the event of an off-field landing

  • fold your glider (if not, other pilots think you need help)
  • Immediately leave meadows
  • fold your glider on low gras or small roads

Take Off site

  • Wind normally comes from SW (from front-right)
  • Danger: Chairlift

Flight area Disentis - Flight Area Disentis

Map with valley wind systems and downwind zones
- valley wind systems
- downwind-zones

Short introduction to the area
by Cross Country Magazine


Thank you! Lets have a good and safe week!













Official Carrier: