
Competition News

Kommentar zu Regeln u Fotos Task 3

Martin Scheel 5. March 2007 World Championships - Manilla 2007
Weitere Infos von Xavier Murillo zum Problem GAP 2000: Leonard war an den Asian Championships schon Stuart und Godfrey war Pilot. Das Problem war also schon vor dem Tasksetting bekannt, die beiden erinnern sich aber nicht... Im Stuard Report wurde das Problem nicht schriftlich festgehalten.

Xavier Murillo:

The Asian championship was may 15-23 2004 in Hadong organized by Soo Yeol Lee. We had two tasks.
I was the assistant MD, Christian Quest was in charge of the scoring. Olivier Burghelle, Yoshiki Oka and Leonard were there as jury & steward.
Godfrey Wennes, Stewart Dennis, Gin, Norman, Nikolay were present as pilots.

We were using ChekIn, Gap 2000 and Race. As the take off was little, I had to use elapsed time without departure points. The task was valid 1000 points but there was not 1000 points for the winner.
The departure points were lost.
The explanation at the time was that using GAP 2000 with Race do not keep the departure points.



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