This year the experience was a little different, an injury in may forced me to stay on the ground till october. Therefore the focus shifted slightly and I decided to spend most of the summer on a boat, so I became a freshwater motorboat captain and I finally completed the tandem pilot education.
After gaining skills and experience with SIV trainings and flights, I upgraded to an EN-C glider and cocoon harness.
My first over 200km FAI triangle in Ticino/Switzerland. More over 100km flights and HF competitions like Eigertour and TrailFly Lenk. Ongoing tandem pilot education.
Xcontest World top 50 (PG Sport)
Xcontest Switzerland top 20 (FAI-3 PG Sport)
My first over 100km flight and over 100km flat triangles in July 21 in Slovenia. Additional 70km triangles in Switzerland and Italy in 2021, all done with my low-B glider. Started to compete in hike&fly races.