
Delta News

Countdown and last preparations

Toni Crottet 5. July 2022 Delta EM Monte Cucco, Sigillo, Italy
Delta EM Countdown and last preparation

The whole team is at the last preparations for the upcoming European Championships in Italy. The site is known as especially difficult if the weather is not good but very strong and fast if the weather is good.

The Team-Handbook is set up within a few meetings, checklists are beeing made and packing started already.

The 6 Swiss National Teammembers are:
- Damien Zahn
- Franz Herrmann
- Jean-Daniel Kugler
- Petsch Neuenschwander
- Simon Rousselet
- Ubaldo Romano

Here the examples from the last year competition held on monte cucco:
Animation Task 1 / 2021
Animation Task 2 / 2021
Animation Task 3 / 2021

There they had tasks up to 150km with averages up to 68km/h. The finals were flows with speeds up to 120km/h.

So it can go fast!
Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-05 um 14.14.37.png

Delta EM Monte Cucco, Sigillo, Italy


Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-05 um 14.14.37.png


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